Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day!

I arise facing East,
I am asking toward the Light,

I am asking that my day
Shall be beautiful with light,

I am asking that the place
Where my feet are shall be light,

That as far as I can see,
I shall follow it aright.

I am asking for the courage
To go forward through the shadow,

I am asking toward the light!

Mary Austin

Seek and ye shall find
Ask and it shall be given.

Toward the One
United with All!

Subhuti said: "If I understand correctly, one who wishes to reach perfect wisdom should study the way things are in the world and should practice the perfections fully and in depth but should not believe them to be ultimately real, nor should he make concepts and doctrines out of them."

The Buddha replied: "Just so, Subhuti. The one who contemplates existence in this way knows the nature of the conditioned and of the unconditioned and makes himself an expert in pointing out the truth to others, both with words and without words."

Subhuti asked: "But is this just for the wise and the intelligent?"

"No, indeed," replied the Buddha. "This is open to all, even to the dull witted and to those who can't pay attention. The door is open to anyone who wants to tread this path--but not to the person who is lazy and indifferent."


I LOVE this! Clear Vision can be had be even simple minded souls like me :)*grins*

Now if I can just avert my laziness.

Today's Daily Word - Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I am patient, kind, and loving.
A tiny seed must be nurtured and given time to develop into its full potential. I, too, develop in my own time, producing the fruits of Spirit I am meant to produce.
I remember to be patient with myself, allowing time for my God-given talents to be revealed. Words from a familiar prayer help me remain calm and assured:
Prayer of Faith
I now am wise, I now am true, Patient, kind, and loving too.All things I am, can do, and be, Through Christ, the Truth that is in me.
Saying this prayer reminds me that the loving presence of God within gives me the wisdom and strength to meet any situation.
"But as for that in the good soil, these are the ones who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient endurance."--Luke 8:15

I don't often manifest the Divine attribute of Patience, but I believe that as a Daughter of God, it is alive and well inside of me.

Affirming myself as a Daughter of God and Heir to Their Divinity is the first step in manifesting All that I wish to become.

What a blessing!

"The sun neither rises or sets; it is our conception. When the earth turns its back to the sun, it is night; when the earth turns its face to the sun, it is day."
--Hazrat Inayat Khan

I have heard it said that when we feel that God has left us, we should examine who it is, indeed who has moved...

In actual fact, even so, we cannot move away from God because we are ever enveloped in Divine Light. We may only shut our eyes to the light for a time.


"Can you allow the Love of God to be your entire Reality?
It would be easier than the effort it takes to uphold the reality you now experience."
--The Voice for Love

La illaha illa 'lahu!

In the Sufi translation:

*There is no reality but the One Reality.*

There is only one thing to say:

*I behold the Beauty of God in You as I behold the Beauty of God in Me."

Namaste', Namaste!

All Love for Love,




Thursday, November 13, 2008

To be Hu-Man

The following quote is part of an article in the latest issue of EnlightenNext magazine:

When spirit took the leap from formlessness to form, from nothing to something, from being to becoming, it emerged from emptiness as the creative impulse—the urge to become, the desire to exist. This creative impulse expresses itself at all levels of the human experience. Any human being can locate it at the lowest level of their being—at the gross physical level—as the sexual impulse, which is really the presence or movement of the big bang as a biological imperative. But at higher levels of being, humans are the only life forms we know of that are compelled to innovate and to create. We can see this especially in individuals who are pioneers in their fields, whether they are great philosophers, musicians, artists, politicians, or poets. Most individuals who are deeply talented are driven by a sense of urgency, an ecstatically urgent sense that “I must bring into life this potential that I see and experience in the depths of my own being. This must come through me.” If we get to know them, we will usually find that truly great human beings are driven by a passion that transcends their separate self-sense.... And in the way I understand it, the highest expression of this creative impulse is the urge to evolve at the level of consciousness itself.
--Andrew Cohen

I'm fascinated by the phrase:

"...driven by a passion that transcends their separate self-sense.... "

Sufi tradition says that before the worlds and humankind were God said, "I was a hidden treasure and desired to be known..." Thus became humankind (interesting at this point to note that the Sufi pronoun for God is "Hu" as in hu-man).

Creativity does not happen alone. Whether it be in the co-creative process with Spirit or with the Spirit in other Hu-man Beings, evolution appears to be a community effort.


and as always...

