As a young girl, whenever I went out the front door of my house, I heard my mother call to me,
"Remember who you are, Pamela"
and my father would echo,
"Remember Whose you are"
In Sufi tradition, we use a practice called zikr, which means: remembrance
La illaha illa 'llahu!
There is no god, but the One.
and we go on further to connect with That One in Divine Belonging:
Toward the One
the Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty
United with All the Illuminated Souls
Who form the embodiment of the Master,
the Spirit of Guidance.
Who are the illuminated souls? I am learning that illumination comes in various forms, but is essentially One...All who live and breath, All who have lived and breathed, All who will live and breathe...All Belong...
Passover is about belonging...it is about setting a sign at the door of one's own heart as a sign of eternal living...a sign to oneSelf, a sign to the One Self.
I say "Shema" and mean this:
Shema: means to hear, but also to ‘understand’, to ‘guard’, to ‘nail down with nails’, and to then ‘act upon by following understanding with righteousness’. It's very root is Divine Light.
Yisroel: Those who struggle to Remember, in order to Ensure the Divine Essence prevails upon the world.
Eloheinu: The original is written, Aloheinu. The sound, “Ah” represents the feminine aspect the Divine, El represents the Masculine:
Aloheinu: The One Breath of the Universe, Ruach, or Ru
Ehad: Oneness which is produced through activity. “Uniting separate threads’; To be bound together, like
cords in a rope; To Unite, to join together, to be a Unity.
Therefore the most Holy prayer, Shema, which is to spoken by many three times
each day, may be better understood and read as:
“Hear! Understand!
Guard These Words!
And Act Upon Them!
Struggle to Remember!
The Divine Essence of the Universe.
Our Oneness Is! Bound together! For Eternity!
O, Remember!
Divine Being!
The One Breath
Of The Universe!”
Amen, Amin, Ameyn!
1 comment:
HI Dear Hakima, Very nice to see my translation of the Prayer, SHEMA, here on your site.... Thanks for posting it! You may also know that not only did Moses hear the SHEMA being echoed surrounding the Holy Throne when he was risen there, and not only did the Most High tell him that the Jewish people were to recite this prayer a minimum of twice each day, but more than that they were to remember and recite it daily:
"Hear, Oh Israel, the Lord Your God, the Lord Is ONE
And thou shalt love the Most High with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sit in thy house, and when thou walks by the way, and when thou lies down, and when thou rises up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be in front of thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the door-posts of thy house, and upon thy gates."
But that Yeshua, Jesus, when he was asked what the MOST IMPORTANT of all the Commandments was, he told them that is was: Hear, Oh Israel, the Lord Your God, the Lord Is ONE.", telling them to recite this prayer daily.
And so as you can see, the SHEMA is truly a Universal Prayer.
Guard these words
And act upon them.
Struggle to remember
The Divine Presence of the Universe.
Our Oneness is bound together
Through Eternity —
O, Remember Divine Being
The One Breath of the Universe.
Translated by Emi Miller
with All Blessings,
Emi Miller
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