International Women’s Day
The 'I Can' Power of the Cosmos
When you are guided to this pathway of the heart, take the opportunity to focus on the "I Can!"—the vision-power—of the cosmos coming through you.
No compromise. No Nonsense Sometimes in life you must decide to go for your own full realization as a human being, no mater what it takes. Usually it takes some great crisis to bring us to this point. Pain is often the greatest motivator when it comes to envisioning an entirely new life. Boredom and a habitual sense of “playing safe” keep this vision –power bottled up within us.
--Neil Douglas-Klotz, The Sufi Book of Life
If you give birth to what is within you
The voices you redeem will redeem you.
If you fail to find and give birth to them,
They become part of what is destroying you.
--The Gospel of Thomas
So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.
The advantage of adversity is that it gives us an opportunity to experience the absolute unity of God as everything. The truth is, we are always one with God; as we build a consciousness of our oneness it will permeate our viewpoint of everything. In this oneness we have the choice to be defeated by our circumstances, or to come out the other side of adversity with greater wisdom, serenity and goodwill.
--Science of Mind, March 2008
Winter Lambs All night snow came upon uswith unwavering intent—small flakes not meanderingbut driving thickly down. We woketo see the yard, the car and roadheaped unrecognizably.The neighbors' ewes are lambingin this stormy weather. Threelambs born yesterday, three moreexpected...Felix the ram looked proprietary in his separate penwhile fatherhood accrued to him.The panting ewes regarded mewith yellow-green, small-pupiled eyes.I have a friend who is pregnant—plans gone awry—and not altogetherpleased. I don't say she shouldbe pleased. We are creation'sproperty, its particles, its clayas we fall into this life,agree or disagree.
--Jane Kenyon
Teete Malkutakh—“Let your vision power, the ‘I Can’ of the cosmos, really come!”
Thy king/queendom come!
Life…it comes as it comes with all of it’s joy and pain. We bear children when it’s not convenient. Tragedy comes at the least expected times. We fall in and love and out of favor with love when we’re certain about how our lives should be arranged and either circumstance places the greatest obstacles in our pathways. There is no avoiding the condition of life…we feel…good or bad…otherwise…What we get is the choice to accept that condition with grace or to meet it in a futile struggle…
If we choose to struggle, our energies, our resources are limited to the extent of the condition against which we are fighting. If we choose grace, simply turning toward the One who imparts Grace, our resources to overcome…to get on the other side of whatever pain or joy faces us…are Infinite.
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