With no apparent beauty that man should Him desire…
These words of Isaiah were on my mind as I searched for an image of Maryam of Nazareth…and then I found this one by Bruce Eagle. It rather reflects the inner beauty of the mother of our Lord and is what I imagine to be a more true picture of the fairest maid in Galilee.
I have been tuned in to the Maryams of the Bible since I was a very small girl...
Maryam, Moses' sister, who danced,
Maryam who bore the Being of our Lord within,
Maryam, who sat at His feet--the very feet she dried with her hair
(there are some who believe that it was another Maryam. I have some indicators that it was this one.)
Maryam, who bore the disciples James and John (was it the same as She who bore our Lord?)
Maryam, called Magdalene, who kissed Him on the Mouth and met Him in the transcendant time between Earth and Heaven.
...a very strange attunement, indeed for a dutiful and studious Mormon girl who only knows of them through the Spirit rather than by tradition and culture.
I bow to their Spirit now.
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