Sunday, March 16, 2008

March 16, 2008

March 16, 2008
Palm Sunday


On the path
we battle the lure
of ego.

Estaferallah is that tool.
Concerned not with an external force,
but seeing an inner world
where we allow
the dust of life to gather.

Moving on the way
subtle distinctions arise.
As the Eskimo has a hundred words for snow,
because they live in a world where the subtle differences in snow
are essential,
the seeker encounters the subtle faces of ego.

We have words for these:
arrogance, negativity, cynicism,
false pride and its opposite, self doubt.
And we have the antidotes:
humility, honesty, ordinariness,
sacrifice, courage, prayer.

when facing these subtleties,
we have the choice of which way to go:
towards the self importance of the ego,
or towards purity.

With Estaferallah we ask
to always move towards purity,
brushing the dust of negativity
from our hearts.

Today is Palm Sunday, the day of Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem. A good day for readying oneself for the coming of the Beloved. First, clean out the old stuff and then the space you are in is open, ready for creating…like a blank palatte.

Go sweep out the chamber of your heart,
make it ready to be the dwelling place of the Beloved,
when you depart, He will enter,
in you, void of yourself, will He display His beauties.
--Mahmud Shabistari



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